Free Stuff
One of the less annoying aspects of becoming a Whittemore-Durgin customer is the opportunity to get free stuff from time to time. We have been offering free stuff for about 45 years. We have not received any serious complaint about the cost. At least so far.
You will notice that in order to receive one of these things you will have to place an order. That hardly seems fair, one must think, because then it isn't really free. To forestall an avalanche of mild, well-mannered complaints, we would like to point out that in our regular follow-up mailings to our mail-order customers we have always made the offer this way. It reads in part:
"These things are free for the asking. Just send us a stamped addressed #10 envelope for any one or more of these offers. We can probably fit two in one envelope. If you want more than that, send more stamps and more envelopes. Or better yet, ask for any or all of them on your next order blank."
One must suppose that the outlay of an envelope and a stamp negates the "free" aspect of the offer. In that case we plead nolo contendere and throw ourselves on the mercy of the court.
This same offer applies to our on-line customers. You don't have to buy anything. Just send us one or more stamped, addressed envelopes for one or more of these offers. (There are one or two that obviously cannot be mailed, and these are so noted). Just address your request to:
Whittemore-Durgin Glass Company
825 Market St
Rockland, MA 02370
And of course, you can have any or all by just adding one or several to your next order. (Beware, if you try ordering just free stuff alone, you'll still have to pay minimum shipping charges. Praemonitus praemunitus.)
Here are the current offerings:
Working with Metal Bars
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Free! A guide to working with quality Art Glass metal bars. Find out what the experts say about zinc came. When should you use it? How can you bend it? (Bar bending can be fun if not overdone.)
Pattern of the Month
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These patterns are published by Spectrum Glass Company. We receive one each month and keep them on file. They are almost always designed for window ornaments, or "sun-catchers". Please order no more than one or two each time.
Cementing a Stained Glass Window
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Free! The traditional method of cementing or waterproofing a stained glass window that has been constructed with lead came. (Recently revised to reflect the latest theories about this ancient practice.) If you are a consenting adult, and would like a free copy of our own formula for leaded glass waterproofing cement, add it to your order. If you don't need to order anything, just send us a self-addressed stamped envelope and we will send it to you.