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Whittemore-Durgin Stained Glass Supplies
825 Market St., Rockland MA 02370
Phone: 781-871-1790  Toll-free: 800-262-1790
Stained glass supplies, art and architectural glass, and so much more.
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Stained glass supplies, art and architectural glass, and much more.

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Glass Remnants

Just as when buying fabric, buying glass remnants is the most economical way to buy glass. The pieces are irregularly shaped (although most are rectangular), up to approximately 6" x 8". These remnants are basically the leftovers from our cutting department, in an effort to make use of the larger glass scraps that accumulate over time. As you may know, here at Whittemore-Durgin we throw nothing away. Ever. We were Green before Green was hip.

Please note that we cannot fill orders for specific shades or textures at these low prices. Of course, if you are in the vicinity of our store, you can come in any time we are open and root through the bins looking for the special shade and texture you need to finish that stained glass window for Fido's sun porch.

Prices are per pound. If you order one pound of remnants, you will receive enough pieces to just about cover a sheet of 8-1/2" x 11" writing paper.

We would like to recommend that you limit remnant orders to nine packages. Unfortunately, we will not be liable for damaged glass in orders that contain more than nine packages of remnants. We're sorry for ay inconvenience this may cause.

Mixed Opalescent Glass Remnants
Mixed Opalescent Glass Remnants
Item no: 3167
Retail price: $3.81 /pound
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Price is per pound. Availability is not guaranteed.

Mixed Cathedral Glass Remnants (except ruby)
Mixed Cathedral Glass Remnants (except ruby)
Item no: 3160
Retail price: $3.05 /pound
Click to view or buy this item

Price is per pound. Availability is not guaranteed.

Mixed Exotic Glass Remnants
Mixed Exotic Glass Remnants
Item no: 3166
Retail price: $6.50 /pound
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"Exotic" is our nice way of saying "expensive". These remnants consist of our more pricey glass selections, such as: Spectrum Baroque; any Youghiogheny glass; any opalescent glass with significant amounts of red; Drawn Antique; or fracture/streamer glass. Price is per pound. One pound of remnants usually comes in two or three pieces that, altogether, take up about as much space as an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. Some of the especially nice exotic glass is heavy (such as Youghiogheny or fracture/streamer), so you'll end up with a little less area.

Availability is not guaranteed.

Mixed Wine/Purple Cathedral Glass Remnants
Mixed Wine/Purple Cathedral Glass Remnants
Item no: 3161
Retail price: $3.81 /pound
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Price is per pound. Availability is not guaranteed.

Mixed Blue Cathedral Glass Remnants
Mixed Blue Cathedral Glass Remnants
Item no: 3162
Retail price: $3.81 /pound
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Price is per pound. Availability is not guaranteed.

Mixed Green Cathedral Glass Remnants
Mixed Green Cathedral Glass Remnants
Item no: 3163
Retail price: $3.81 /pound
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Price is per pound. Availability is not guaranteed.

Mixed Amber Cathedral Glass Remnants
Mixed Amber Cathedral Glass Remnants
Item no: 3164
Retail price: $3.81 /pound
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Price is per pound. Availability is not guaranteed.

Mixed Ruby Cathedral Glass Remnants
Mixed Ruby Cathedral Glass Remnants
Item no: 3165
Retail price: $6.50 /pound
Click to view or buy this item

Price is per pound. Availability is not guaranteed.

Mixed Clear Textured Glass Remnants
Mixed Clear Textured Glass Remnants
Item no: 3169
Retail price: $3.81 /pound
Click to view or buy this item

Price is per pound. Availability is not guaranteed.

Two of the newest...
Two of the newest...
...cathedral glass remnant assorters. The large vacuum bag attachment removes impurities, such as pollen, sulphur dioxide and lint.
Click to see more