Just as when buying fabric, buying glass remnants is the most economical way to buy glass. The pieces are irregularly shaped (although most are rectangular), up to approximately 6" x 8". These remnants are basically the leftovers from our cutting department, in an effort to make use of the larger glass scraps that accumulate over time. As you may know, here at Whittemore-Durgin we throw nothing away. Ever. We were Green before Green was hip.
Please note that we cannot fill orders for specific shades or textures at these low prices. Of course, if you are in the vicinity of our store, you can come in any time we are open and root through the bins looking for the special shade and texture you need to finish that stained glass window for Fido's sun porch.
Prices are per pound. If you order one pound of remnants, you will receive enough pieces to just about cover a sheet of 8-1/2" x 11" writing paper.
We would like to recommend that you limit remnant orders to nine packages. Unfortunately, we will not be liable for damaged glass in orders that contain more than nine packages of remnants. We're sorry for ay inconvenience this may cause.