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Whittemore-Durgin Stained Glass Supplies
825 Market St., Rockland MA 02370
Phone: 781-871-1790  Toll-free: 800-262-1790
Stained glass supplies, art and architectural glass, and so much more.
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Stained glass supplies, art and architectural glass, and much more.

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Pressed Flowers

The pressed flower department is back in business again, after finding a new supplier. Our previous supplier ran into production problems because his presses just didn't have the required capacity. Our new supplier also runs a "diet ranch", out west, where extremely overweight people go to unburden themselves of surplus poundage. The specially constructed beds there have two sheets of plywood beneath the springs, and early each evening the matrons load up each bedstead, and by the morning, your johnny jump-ups are as flat as a crepes suzette.

Put one of these between two pieces of clear glass, or between a bevel and a piece of clear glass, wrap the resulting sandwich with copper foil or lead, and you will have a neat little piece of work. These are real flowers, not your imitation crepe paper and wire stuff. They were grown in the good old U.S. of A. and are 100 percent American. Each package contains from 3 to 8 flowers, depending upon their size.