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Books of patterns for smaller panels

We include a great variety of titles in this section. Some of the smaller panels depicted in these books could be called suncatchers, and some of the larger could be called windows. You nit pickers out there might find this disturbing; we hope the rest of you will enjoy yourselves browsing our selections.
Jump to other books sections:   Instructional      Lampshades      Suncatchers      Small panels      Large panels      Mosaics, etching and fusing      Christmasy      Coloring books      Little coloring books      3-D stuff      Stickers and stuff      Videos & DVDs

Curious Cats
Curious Cats
Item no: 3900
SGN Publishing item: CTS
Retail price: $14.67
In stock:  1 
Available while supplies last.
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Despite the subtitle "animated designs of our feline friends", we can assure you these designs do not move in any way. We presume the author meant to say "cartoon designs". Be that as it may, these 12 designs are excellent, accurate stained glass patterns of long- and short-haired cats in a variety of poses. All projects are shown in full color; tips and hints are included. SGN Publishing.
Cats Stained Glass Pattern Book
Cats Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 2666
Dover Publications item: 0-486-46194-7
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  5 
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Another excellent pattern book for you cat lovers out there. These 60 patterns by Jody Wright depict several different breeds on various states of cat-ness: napping, playing with yarn, stalking, "bathing" (what a lovely euphemism), stretching, or simply staring at you as if to say "Where's dinner?", when in fact you just fed her ten minutes ago. With a few odd exceptions, these patterns capture the essence of cats quite well. 64 pages. Black and white. Dover Publications.
A Dog Show In Stained Glass
A Dog Show In Stained Glass
Item no: 3759
CKE Publications item: 206001
Retail price: $15.35
3 or more $13.82 (10% discount)
6 or more $12.28 (20% discount)
In stock:  0 
No longer available.
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Twenty-four full-size patterns of classic canines such as Boxer, St. Bernard, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Scottish Terrier, Beagle, Dalmatian, Collie, Cocker Spaniel, Wire-Haired Terrier and many other yelping friends of mankind. Use these patterns for desk sets, trophies, window panels, dresser caddies, night lights and more. It's enough to make Little Orphan Annie sit up and say "Arf" to Sandy. 36 pages.

A Dog Show II
A Dog Show II
Item no: 3790
CKE Publications item: 206002
Retail price: $15.36
3 or more $13.82 (10% discount)
6 or more $12.29 (20% discount)
In stock:  0 
No longer available.
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Building on the popularity of A Dog Show in Stained Glass (Item no. 3759), Mr. Bob Schneider has come up with another bunch of adorable dogs to make in stained glass, including several small breeds (Bichon Frise, Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, West Highland Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier). All the patterns are relatively easy, and include patterns and ideas for sun catchers, desk sets, pet memorials and other projects. Full color photographs, suggestions for choosing glass, how-to's, hints and framing/display ideas. This book is a "must", as the expression goes, for you dog people out there. 36pp.

Dog Breeds 1 (Beaulieu)
Dog Breeds 1 (Beaulieu)
Item no: 3849
Retail price: $20.30
3 or more $18.27 (10% discount)
6 or more $16.24 (20% discount)
In stock:  7 
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"Dog Breeds 1 - Illustrated designs of man's best friend", by Jean Beaulieu. Contains 12 handsome, accurate and achievable stained glass designs for the following breeds: Beagle, German Shepherd, Boston Terrier, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bulldog, Papillon, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Schauzer, St. Bernard, Bloodhound (a.k.a. St. Hubert), and Dachshund (a.k.a. Teckel). Those last two have alternative names because the author is Québécois and apparently, in Quebec, Bloodhounds and Dachshunds are known as St. Huberts and Teckels, respectively. Who knew? We certainly did not until we looked them up. Thank you, Wikipedia. The designs all fit into a 10-inch circle, but the author states they are meant to be rendered much larger. He suggests enlarging the pattern to at least 125%. Each pattern takes up two facing pages. You will need to remove the staples to pull apart the complete patterns. We mention this in case you don't notice as you browse the book that the dog with the Papillon face has Chihuahua ears.

Dog Breeds 2 (Beaulieu)
Dog Breeds 2 (Beaulieu)
Item no: 3850
Retail price: $20.30
3 or more $18.27 (10% discount)
6 or more $16.24 (20% discount)
In stock:  8 
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"Dog Breeds 2 - Illustrated designs of man's best friend", by Jean Beaulieu. An excellent follow-up book to Dog Breeds 1, this book contains 13 stained glass patterns that are as handsome, accurate and achievable as those in Book 1. The following breeds are represented in circlular patterns: Husky, Boxer, Great Pyrenees, Great Dane, Basset Hound, Corgi, and Bull Terrier. There is one oval pattern of a Miniature Pinscher, and five rectangular patterns of: Old English Sheepdog (a.k.a. Bobtail), Border Collie (which, in our opinion, could be mistaken for a standard Collie), Doberman, Husky (again), and Collie (for realz).

Dog Designs (McOnie)
Dog Designs (McOnie)
Item no: 3837
Retail price: $20.90
3 or more $18.81 (10% discount)
6 or more $16.72 (20% discount)
In stock:  0 
No longer available.
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Over 30 patterns of various dog breeds, including Basset Hound, Beagle, Corgi, Dachshund, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Poodle, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Spaniel and many more. Some are just head portraits, while some are full body renderings in active poses, such as running, jumping, or chewing a toy. Most of the designs require some paint (black and white) and/or wire to complete the details. The patterns are computer generated, so you might find some of the shapes impossible to cut without adding cut lines or using a glass saw. But all of the renderings are attractive and realistic, and capture the personalities of the breeds.

Birds and Butterflies
Bird Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Bird Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3622
Dover Publications item: 259471
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  6 
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The 77 patterns in this highly usable collection outline such lovely vignettes as a jungle fowl rooster in a barnyard; a chickadee alighting on a tree limb; and a swan with cygnets floating on a lily pond.

Audubon Birds Stained Glass Pattern Book
Audubon Birds Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3757
Dover Publications item: 9780486286259
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  9 
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Accurate illustrations, 60 in all, of common birds like the Black-Capped Chickadee, and not-so-common birds like the Ruby-Crowned Kinglet. Illustrations are in black and white, and only a handful of color examples are given, so you'll have to do your own research to make sure you don't choose Indigo Bunting colors for your Rufous-Sided Towhee. All of them are captioned so you know who's who, and they are depicted in their natural surroundings, in characteristic poses. Dover Publications.
Birds and Butterflies Stained Glass Pattern Book
Birds and Butterflies Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3373
Dover Publications item: 24620-5
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  7 
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Brighten and animate your stained glass projects with kingfishers, eagles, jays, stool pigeons, toucans, hummingbirds, cardinals, penguins, parrots, garbage birds, butterflies and more. All patterns can be worked as is, reduced or enlarged to suit your needs.

Decorative Birds Stained Glass Pattern Book
Decorative Birds Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3668
Dover Publications item: 9780486272672
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  6 
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This volume offers the stained-glass worker 74 striking patterns for creating a variety of familiar and exotic birds. The subjects include such exotic avian specimens as the peach-faced lovebird, white-bellied caique, and Sulphur-crested cockatoo. Among the other birds depicted in easily workable patterns are the snowy owl, pheasant, raven, Gouldian finch, eagle, cockatiel, Mandarin duck, ring-necked parakeet, hummingbird, crane, quail, peacock, parrot, mynah bird, macaw, racquet-tailed kingfisher, and many other varieties. The clearly outlined and royalty-free patterns — complete with identifying captions — come in a host of shapes and configurations that make them a versatile resource not only for stained-glass work (panels, windows, lampshades, etc.) but for other crafts and graphic projects as well.
Fish, Marine and Nautical
Marine Animals Stained Glass Pattern Book
Marine Animals Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3662
Dover Publications item: 270165
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  8 
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We are delighted to report that this book is back in print! We can't count how many times we've gotten requests for stained glass patterns related to ocean life, and this is possibly the finest collection available in book form. Designs include such popular subjects as dolphins, starfish, gulls, jellyfish, clownfish, seahorses and penguins; some scary creatures like sharks, eels and octopi; and fish we've never heard of: Chichlid? Moorish idol? Apparently, artist Carolyn Relei was paying attention in Marine Biology class.

Any of these 82 designs can be enlarged or reduced according to your needs, and can be adapted for use in other craft media. As with most Dover books, no instruction is provided.

Dover Publications, 60 pages.
Other animals
Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Item no: 3738
CKE Publications item: 20133674
Retail price: $13.20
3 or more $11.88 (10% discount)
6 or more $10.56 (20% discount)
In stock:  19 
Available while supplies last.
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Full sized patterns of African wildlife. You will be bemused at your encounter with the giraffe, the elephant, and the gorilla. If you are a voluptuary, you will certainly succumb when you view the sensuous peacock. 32 pages, 4 in color.

Professional Pals
Professional Pals
Item no: 3704
Hixson Studios
Retail price: $3.95
In stock:  48 
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Small panels depicting animals decked out in the costume and accouterments of 39 different occupations. These ingenious designs were created by the late Randy DeMello, whose work has been admired by all stained glass workers through the years. The gamut runs from Architect to Waiter, with stops in between for Daycare Worker, Mechanic, Minister, Postal Worker, Secretary and Teacher. Not to mention Mother.

Wild Animals Stained Glass Pattern Book
Wild Animals Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3761
Dover Publications item: 29337-8
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  7 
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This 64-page design book is an exhaustive collection of stained glass patterns whose subject matter is our wild friends. (No, no, not YOUR wild friends. OUR wild friends with feathers, fur and whatever that stuff is that covers an elephant.) 

Cottage Garden
Cottage Garden
Item no: 3775
CKE Publications item: 20133690
Retail price: $13.80
3 or more $12.42 (10% discount)
6 or more $11.04 (20% discount)
In stock:  5 
Available while supplies last.
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A collection of twenty-one panels and sun catchers featuring favorite garden flowers. Some can be used in the size given; others might best be enlarged on a copier or opaque projector. Included is a pattern for a vital necessity to every home, a tabletop earring holder.

Flowers and Fruits Stained Glass Pattern Book
Flowers and Fruits Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3720
Dover Publications item: 0-486-27942-1
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  2 
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The simple elegance and great eye appeal of these 67 copyright-free designs by stained glass artist Carol Krez make them perfect for many different kinds of stained glass projects. A row of tulips, branches of plums and apples, California poppies, rose and dahlia blossoms and a spectacular rhododendron bloom are just a few of the beautifully rendered subjects. 60 pages, 8-1/2" x 11".

State Flowers
State Flowers
Item no: 3746
CKE Publications item: 20133632
Retail price: $16.48
3 or more $14.83 (10% discount)
6 or more $13.18 (20% discount)
In stock:  19 
Available while supplies last.
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You know very well that skunk cabbage is not a state flower, but do you know what your state flower is? This book has 51 full sized state flowers as full-sized patterns as well as in color. What is the 51st state? We'll let you guess. These projects are a natural for touristy type gift shops.

Everything else
Bevel Window Designs
Bevel Window Designs
Item no: 3922
Wardell Publications Inc. item: 0-919985-07-6
Retail price: $16.15
3 or more $14.54 (10% discount)
6 or more $12.92 (20% discount)
In stock:  1 
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The purpose of this book is to explore some design possibilities using beveled and faceted glass. There are over 100 design drawings and 30 color photographs. The author was inspired by Victorian design but has also included geometric, landscape, representational, and contemporary abstract – a little something for everyone.

Basically Bevels
Basically Bevels
Item no: 3896
SGN Publishing item: BEV
Retail price: $14.04
3 or more $12.64 (10% discount)
6 or more $11.23 (20% discount)
In stock:  9 
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The 16 patterns in this book can be made entirely of stock bevels, or a combination of bevels and cut glass. Ranging in size from 8" x 8" to 12" x 18" , these patterns simplify the process of designing with bevels. You can enjoy the extra sparkle that bevels provide, without the cost and extra effort required when using a bevel cluster. (We do not mean to imply that you are cheap and lazy. We'd like to think of you as thrifty and efficient.)

Bevels and Jewels Stained Glass Pattern Book
Bevels and Jewels Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3382
Dover Publications item: 0-486-24844-5
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  4 
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From the prolific Ed Sibbet we have yet another gem (if you will): a collection of 83 patterns that incorporate bevels and jewels to such an extent that some designs require very little glass cutting. Most of the cuts are straight lines and simple curves, making this an ideal book for the beginner. The bevels are all stock sizes, and the jewels are mostly standard round faceted. 64 pages. Dover Publications.

Favorite Images (Terra)
Favorite Images (Terra)
Item no: 3822
Stained Glass Images item: 1404
Retail price: $12.35
In stock:  5 
Special order item, limited supply on hand, 7-10 day delay if you want more.
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Hummingbirds, a lighthouse, doves, various flowers, dolphins, grapes, and a teddy bear, all nicely presented with detailed specifications of how much glass you'll need for each. Eight full-sized designs, mostly 16" x 20", with color photos of finished versions.

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear: Patterns for Craftspeople and Artisans (Sawyer)
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear: Patterns for Craftspeople and Artisans (Sawyer)
Item no: 3322
Glass Books Pty (Australia)
Retail price: $19.45
In stock:  14 
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This book is for the teddy bear aficionado (or "freak", as the author calls herself). Those of you who know us know that we are averse to selling books of cartoon-y patterns. With this book, however, we have made an exception, because there really is no other way to represent a teddy bear. About 30 teddy bears and about 5 somewhat realistic bears can be made from these patterns, which may be adapted for use in other endeavors such as quilting or paper crafts. While the introduction makes mention of the colored images as being photographs, we know they are computer generated. We didn't just fall off the turnip truck. 56 pages. Glass Books (Australia).
Prairie Style Panels (Haebich)
Prairie Style Panels (Haebich)
Item no: 3908
SGN Publishing item: PRA2
Retail price: $14.04
3 or more $12.64 (10% discount)
6 or more $11.23 (20% discount)
In stock:  0 
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The 44 Prairie Style patterns in this book are divided into 11 sets of complimentary patterns, one actual size and three that are intended to be enlarged. But really, you can probably avoid the enlarging problem by simply adapting the larger pattern to match the smaller ones. It's not brain surgery. All of the patterns lovely, and clearly indicate the spots where stock bevels might be substituted. These patterns consist of only straight cuts, a bonus for you folks who don't like struggling with curved cuts. From SGN Publishing.
Dragonflies in Glass
Dragonflies in Glass
Item no: 3788
West of the Moon item: 7850-35
Retail price: $9.17
In stock:  5 
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If you like dragonflies, you will certainly enjoy these 20 designs from the mother and daughter team at West of the Moon Publications. While the production value of these plastic-comb-bound books is a little rough around the edges, the patterns are first rate, and that's what's most important. In addition to publishing pattern books, West of the Moon is an active studio, which is evident in the beauty and practicality of their designs. 20 pages, West of the Moon Publications.
Advanced Stained Glass (Pearson)
Advanced Stained Glass (Pearson)
Item no: 2711
item: discontinued
Retail price: $0.00
In stock:  254 
Available while supplies last.
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We found these books in the basement and wondered why they weren't out for sale. Then we noticed that, on some of them, the insides were upside down. Open up the front cover of this 18-page book (or booklet, you might say) and you're looking at an upside-down image of page 18. Nonetheless, the contents are intact, perfectly useable, and offer a virtual window into the culture and mores of 1978, when this book was published by Hazel Pearson Handicrafts. This tiny tome contains 10 complete projects, 7 of which are presented as full-size patterns. The projects are named: Traditional Rose Window, Mirror with Shelf, Hamburger, Van (way groovy, man), floral table lamp, Antique Rose Window, Clock, Hanging Lamp, Hanging Planter, and Sailfish. Also included are 2-plus pages of basic instruction in stained glass. Aside from the upside-downness, this would make a great gift. If you're lucky, yours will be upside-right. And if not, well, with a bit of ingenuity and a staple remover, it is actually quite easy to rectify the assembly problem and make everything right-side up.
Golden Days (Gibbs, Tayne)
Golden Days (Gibbs, Tayne)
Item no: 3838
CKE Publications item: 20133992
Retail price: $16.28
3 or more $14.65 (10% discount)
6 or more $13.02 (20% discount)
In stock:  0 
No longer available.
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Backyard scenes, including realistic songbirds, a reclining cat, various adorable ducks and swans, and the usual plethora of birds and butterflies. Full sized patterns and color illustrations depicting the finished products. From CKE Publishing.
Professional Pals
Professional Pals
Item no: 3704
Hixson Studios
Retail price: $3.95
In stock:  48 
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Small panels depicting animals decked out in the costume and accouterments of 39 different occupations. These ingenious designs were created by the late Randy DeMello, whose work has been admired by all stained glass workers through the years. The gamut runs from Architect to Waiter, with stops in between for Daycare Worker, Mechanic, Minister, Postal Worker, Secretary and Teacher. Not to mention Mother.

Historic Styles Stained Glass Pattern Book
Historic Styles Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3711
Dover Publications item: 241769
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  14 
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This eclectic mix of 83 designs ranges from Egyptian to Art Deco, from Japanese to Pennsylvania Dutch to Islamic, so there's something for everybody here. Many can be adapted to projects such as lampshades, mirrors, ornaments, or mobiles.
Circular Stained Glass Pattern Book
Circular Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3710
Dover Publications item: 0486248364
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  8 
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Floral, landscapes, stylized images and abstracts all designed to fit within a circular border. 60 beautiful black and white designs, with 10 color illustrations on the covers.
Nautical Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Nautical Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3873
Dover Publications item: 0-486-43298-X
Retail price: $9.90
In stock:  4 
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For those of you who have been clamoring for attractive lighthouses, sailboats and marine life, this book's for you. Classy illlustrations by the prolific and award-winning Connie Clough Eaton. Easily adaptable circular, oval, square, and rectangular shapes.
120 Traditional Stained Glass Patterns
120 Traditional Stained Glass Patterns
Item no: 3623
Dover Publications item: 9780486257945
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  8 
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Here's an affordable sourcebook that will prove helpful and inspiring to anyone wanting to add sparkle to their next stained glass project. Noted stained glass designer Ed Sibbett, Jr., has created 120 traditional patterns — ­for use by beginning or advanced craftworkers — that will enhance just about any element of interior decor. Patterns include lovely ovals with repeating circular motifs, bold florals in rectangular frames, intriguing abstracts, highly stylized geometrics with triangular, square, and elliptical figures, and much more. Easy-to-follow instructions and clear diagrams show how to produce attractive designs suitable for door and window panels, lightcatchers, mirrors, mobiles, lamp shades and other items. These convenient, workable stained glass patterns make it easy to add a note of timeless elegance to almost any environment. Recently viewed
Pattern Book #2 (Judy Miller)
Pattern Book #2 (Judy Miller)
Item no: 2649
CKE Publications
Retail price: $10.76
3 or more $9.68 (10% discount)
6 or more $8.61 (20% discount)
In stock:  3 
Available while supplies last.
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Four large fold-out patterns and 28 other projects bid fair to keep you busy for many an evening. The four large patterns include one of a carrousel horse's front-quarters which is bespangled and bedazzled to a fair-thee-well. This is laid out to fit into a circular frame. The book also includes an oval osprey.
Decorative Alphabet Stained Glass Pattern Book
Decorative Alphabet Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3380
Dover Publications item: 0-486-25206-X
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  9 
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This volume contains a collection of alphabet and number patterns specifically for work in stained glass. In 61 pages of eminently usable patterns, you will find the letters of the alphabet in 7 different fonts, 6 accompanied by the numerals 0 through 9. 241 black and white illustrations. 64 pages. 8 1/4" x 11".
Contemporary Stained Glass Sidelights
Contemporary Stained Glass Sidelights
Item no: 3370
Dover Publications item: 9780486453675
Retail price: $8.96
In stock:  6 
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Sidelights — the elongated, rectangular windows set next to doorways — tend to be narrow, making them particularly challenging to design. Balancing the practical considerations associated with a light source with aesthetic appeal, designer Jody Wright presents 60 enchanting stained glass patterns. All are specially chosen to form an attractive fit within the narrow parameters of sidelight spaces. Motifs include: Florals: daffodils, poppies, calla lilies, and 17 other stylized flower patterns Images from nature: animals, from dainty seahorses to dashing coyotes Geometric shapes: abstracts, Art Deco patterns, stars, circles, and more An enlargement guide and a series of helpful hints make this pattern book an excellent resource for the creation of elegant stained glass art.
Stained Glass Pattern Book
Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3317
Dover Publications item: 9780486233604
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  16 
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This book contains 88 designs for stained glass, all of them worthy of the serious crafter's time and effort. The styles range from medieval interlacements, through the Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles, up to designs with a modern feel. The level is intermediate to advanced, although the beginner, by taking extra care, can work many of the patterns. Most will easily expand for full-size panels, mirror surrounds, or other decorative work. These patterns offer suitable challenges to both the craftsmanship and aesthetic sensibilities of workers in stained glass. As a sourcebook for direct use or for inspiration, this volume will be a welcome addition to any stained glass workshop.
Fantasy Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Fantasy Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3325
Dover Publications
Retail price: $19.89
In stock:  4 
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This practical treasury of imaginative stained glass designs incorporates a host of fantasy figures. Attractively displayed in circular, oval, and rectangular configurations are 69 striking black-and-white images of delicate fairies, fire-breathing dragons, half-human figures, a unicorn, phoenix, and other fanciful creatures. Enhanced with flowers, clouds, and detailed backgrounds, the easy-to-use patterns are not only ideal for window panels, mobiles, and lampshades but also will also work well in wall hangings, needlework projects, and as dramatic graphics for a variety of print assignments. Fantasy buffs and hobbyists alike will delight in the choices.

Floral Stained Glass Pattern Book
Floral Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3315
Dover Publications item: 242595
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  6 
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These 96 lovely floral patterns are most graceful and appealing. Included are numerous familiar flowers of field and forest, as well as some floral suspects. These are not full size patterns. 8" x 11". 60 pages.
William Morris Stained Glass Pattern Book
William Morris Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3326
Dover Publications
Retail price: $19.89
In stock:  4 
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Chief exponent of the Arts and Crafts movement in Victorian England, renowned artist and craftsman William Morris (1834–96) created a host of stunning patterns for wallpaper, fabrics, tapestries, floor coverings, and other decorative projects. Many of these designs took nature as their theme. Now Carolyn Relei has skillfully rendered 100 of Morris's best designs for this superb collection of stained glass motifs. Among the 100 black-and-white designs depicted here are lush florals and vines, exotic birds amid magnificent displays of garden flowers, a charming bouquet of daffodils, and many more. Artfully displayed in circular, oval, and rectangular frames, these splendid classics — all easily adaptable as templates — will appeal to artists and artisans who admire the work of one of the Victorian era's most influential craftsmen.

162 Traditional and Contemporary Designs for Stained Glass Projects
162 Traditional and Contemporary Designs for Stained Glass Projects
Item no: 3732
Dover Publications item: 0-486-26928-0
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  5 
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Landscapes, geometrical shapes, florals and birds are among the wealth of motifs presented in this book.. They are not full sized, so that it is necessary to enlarge them using the grid method or an opaque projector. They are usable as patterns for windows, mirrors, panels, sidelights and other configurations
Victorian Stained Glass Pattern Book
Victorian Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3318
Dover Publications item: 238113
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  7 
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Includes exquisite leaf patterns, intricate scroll designs, tulip and other florals, simple designs, ornate designs with simple borders, plain designs with flowers worked through them, border designs and many others. The patterns appear in circles, half-circles, squares, rectangles and ovals. These are not full sized drawings. 8" x 11". 60 pages.
Art Deco Stained Glass Pattern Book
Art Deco Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3765
Dover Publications item: 235505
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  6 
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Here are 91 designs for panels from the era of the 1920's, depicting, for the most part, abstract geometric forms, although there are also abstract looking humans in there too, including a lady golfer with a wicked back-swing. You will also note a couple of paranoid looking rabbits.
Oriental Design Stained Glass Pattern Book
Oriental Design Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3381
Dover Publications item: 25229-9
Retail price: $12.89
In stock:  4 
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You'll find 47 different designs in this rich treasury, combining the delicate and tranquil beauty of Oriental design with the luminous appeal of stained glass artistry. 48 pages. 8 1/4" x 11".
415 Original Designs for Stained Glass
415 Original Designs for Stained Glass
Item no: 3667
Dover Publications item: 261751
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  0 
Currently out of stock; order will have 7-10 day delay.
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Contemporary modernistic abstracts which will unfailingly appeal to those with a craving for such. The artist, Michael Gowen has had a long-time interest in quilt patterns. The jacket blurb does not elaborate upon this interesting statement.
Angels and Cherubs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Angels and Cherubs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3751
Dover Publications item: 40170-7
Retail price: $8.91
In stock:  11 
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The popularity of angels and cherubs is at its zenith. Wherever you look, you see these little characters in their various poses. Be sure to make one of these as a gift for your Sunday School teacher. 60 designs, 64 pages.

Modern Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Modern Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book
Item no: 3328
Dover Publications
Retail price: $19.71
3 or more $17.74 (10% discount)
6 or more $15.77 (20% discount)
In stock:  11 
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This stunning collection of original modern stained glass patterns combines abstract designs with natural elements to create strikingly unusual effects. From graceful florals, set amid contrasting bands of color, to an enchanting portrait of an amphibious creature floating among rippling strands, the subjects can be executed with either of the customary techniques (copper foil or lead came) or a combination of the two approaches. The 90 symmetrically balanced patterns come in a rich variety of shapes and sizes. Appropriate for every skill level, they are easily adapted for specific projects.

Americana Past and Present
Americana Past and Present
Item no: 3774
CKE Publications item: 2013395X
Retail price: $15.36
3 or more $13.82 (10% discount)
6 or more $12.29 (20% discount)
In stock:  0 
No longer available.
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These small stained glass panels celebrate those things special to America. Colonial scenes, quilts, a barn hex sign, the first moonwalk, and a covered bridge--you get the picture. These are not full sized patterns, and require enlarging by the grid method. Safely non-controversial, this book may be safely shown to children of all ages.