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Stained Glass Coloring Books

The pages of these books are printed on translucent paper, which creates a stained glass effect when colored.
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Tiffany Designs Stained Glass Coloring Book
Tiffany Designs Stained Glass Coloring Book
Item no: 3879
Dover Publications item: 0-486-26792-X
Retail price: $6.92
In stock:  12 
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Sixteen of Louis Comfort Tiffany's finest windows have been meticulously rendered here on translucent paper, ready to be colored. Display your finished work of art in a window or near a light source, and you will have a magnificent thing of beauty. No kidding. Wisteria, peacock, hibiscus, grapes, they're all in this 16-page gem.
Ready-to-Use Dollhouse Stained Glass Windows
Ready-to-Use Dollhouse Stained Glass Windows
Item no: 3872
Dover Publications item: 0-486-23740-0
Retail price: $5.92
In stock:  5 
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How cool is this? Add stained glass windows to your dollhouse! Standard dollhouse scale. You color them in yourself, so you can be certain they won't clash with your dollhouse wallpaper.
Christmas Stained Glass Coloring Book
Christmas Stained Glass Coloring Book
Item no: 3876
Dover Publications item: 0-486-21119-3
Retail price: $6.92
In stock:  0 
No longer available.
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Stained Glass Christmas Ornament Coloring Book
Stained Glass Christmas Ornament Coloring Book
Item no: 3878
Dover Publications item: 0-486-20707-2
Retail price: $5.92
In stock:  2 
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A 32-page full-sized coloring book of over 100 Christmas ornaments, drawn in bold, black lines and printed on translucent paper, which creates a stained glass effect when colored.

Audubon Birds Stained Glass Coloring Book
Audubon Birds Stained Glass Coloring Book
Item no: 3887
Dover Publications item: 0-486-29327-0
Retail price: $6.92
In stock:  4 
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For any youngster who might be interested in stained glass, why not start with a stained glass coloring book? Printed on translucent paper, these bold outlines based on the ornithological masterpieces by the great nature illustrator not only teach about birds, but leave the talented colorer (colorist?) with a beautiful finished product, suitable for taping to any proud Grandma's sunny window. Identification Guide included.